Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I know how, but am I capable?

The most frustrating thing about losing weight is knowing what you are capable of but not being able to do it.

I feel like that has been me. I am on constant highs and constant lows. I have been in a funk lately. Eating healthy most of the day but then sabotaging myself at night and not working out like I am supposed to.

Yesterday, a friend of mine suggested that I try a Yoga DVD for inflexible people. I purchased Gaiam Beginner's Yoga Starter Kit. Part of my work out problem is that I do not have a time of the day where I can go and workout when I have energy. It's either going to be super early in the morning or late at night after dinner. I am far from a morning person. So I decided to do some Yoga in the morning before leaving for work. This will allow me to get in some physical activity first thing without being overly stressful and time consuming. I am hoping to do yoga 2x a week and go to the gym for a regular workout 3x a week.

Another thing I am doing lately is having smoothies. I just did some peapod shopping to buy some awesome smoothies for next week.

I have to remind myself why I am doing this, plan better, and get more active.

I also just purchased the new FitBit Force and will be giving my FitBit Flex to my mom. Support means everything!

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