Wednesday, January 8, 2014

To have a resolution or not to have a resolution? That is the question.

Like the rest of America, for years and years my resolution was to lose weight.  Then I stopped that resolution.  I changed it to "read 20 books this year" - I think I read less than 5.  My point is, resolutions are known for never coming true.  I WANT to lose weight, I WANT to get healthy.  It is an every day struggle not just for 2014 but for the rest of my life.  Doesn't sound like much of a resolution then, does it?

Don't make losing weight your resolution.  Do something different - like use the stairs more often than the elevator; park farther away from the store; drink more water.  These little things can add up and make quite a difference not only on your body (which is the ultimate goal) but on your mental state as well.

I've said it before and I will say it again - losing weight is 90% mental.  We all KNOW french fries and a double bacon cheeseburger is not going to help us in this goal, and yet sometimes we choose that anyway.  It's all about mental power not only in choosing better foods, but mental power in really taking the extra time out to get to the gym, even if you are tired.  It's not going to kill you.  Mentally, you have to reach deep and just suck it up.

I have to take my own advice.  I am far from perfect, and I struggle with this every single day -- some days I win and some days I lose which is why I am the queen of maintaining and yo-yo dieting.

At some point I have to listen to myself, right?  Baby steps.

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