Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 in review

The year 2013 had many big changes in store for me.  First, my husband and I moved to a new state where we didn't have any friends or family in order to help him pursue his dream of attending the Rhode Island School of Design.  He is a very talented artist, and this school is one of the best art schools in the country.  While he supported me through school, it was now my turn to return the favor.

We moved into a new 2 bedroom apartment with the smallest kitchen on the planet.  But I really like our apartment.  While it is small, we made it cozy.  It has wood floors and wooden exposed beams because we are on the top floor.  Our dog Molly moved in with us as well.  Our last hurrah with my family was an AMAZING trip to Disney World and Savannah in May.  After that, in June I started my current job and it's been a struggle to adjust ever since.

Before we moved, last spring, my mom and I started Nutrisystem together.  She lost about 40 or more pounds while I think I lost about 15, within the first month or month and a half.  I got so tired though of eating out of a container or pouch.  She stuck with it at least another month than I did.  I had to have real food again (even though on the plan you still eat your own fruits and vegetables).  I went into it knowing it was going to be a temporary diet.  I used it to learn portion control and what sized meals I was supposed to be having.  I starved most of the time.

Then during the summer, I was adjusting to my new work routine of driving at least an hour to work, working for 10 hours, then driving home for another hour or more for a total of 12 hours gone.  I have a desk job so moving isn't much of an option.  To add in movement to my daily routine, I started walking everyday at lunch.  At first it was only 15 minutes because I didn't know how long of a lunch hour I got.  Lunch was never the same 2 days in a row.  We always took lunch at a different time - but typically around 2pm.  My lunch walk now has been extended to 25 minutes.  I talk to my mom the whole time and we can catch up with each other and how our day is going.  It quickly has become my favorite time of day.  So much so that I continue to walk even when it is raining or snowing or freezing outside just so I can get my blood pumping and get to chit chat with my mom.

I am more settled now in my routine.  I recently joined Planet Fitness and (while I haven't been since before Christmas) I think pushing myself to go at night really helps me feel better both physically and mentally.  It's good to move.  It's natural.  A desk job for 10 hours isn't.

So as we say our final words to the year 2013, I want to thank Father Time for all the blessings that had come our way this year.  I pray that 2014 looks upon us with kind eyes as we continue to strive for our hopes and dreams to come true.

Let's raise a glass to 2013!

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