Thursday, December 19, 2013

Benefits of Water

As I write this entry, I have already gone about three times and I feel like I need to go again.  TMI, my bad.

People are always saying how important water is for weight loss.  For the longest time, I thought that it meant any liquid.  As long as I was drinking a lot, it was good for me right, RIGHT?!?!


I used to drink diet soda all day long.  At the end of September I gave up diet soda completely and have not had a single drop of it since.  Sometimes I will have a glass of regular soda, but mostly these days I drink Polar Seltzer or plain old H2O.

Always check the ingredients!

If you decide to add seltzer into your diet, but VERY wary of the type!  ONLY drink seltzer that is made of of water and natural flavors.  You will be SHOCKED at the amount of seltzer's out there that are jam packed with artificial flavoring and sugars!
Food for thought: for every caffeinated drink you have, you have to drink an extra two glasses of water to make up for the caffeine's dehydration effects.

WebMD has an article that states that a study has been done and how drinking water can actually raise your metablish.

BUT WAIT - You mean I can burn more calories DOING NOTHING as long as I am having my water intake?

That's right! In the article on WebMD, there were only a couple extra calories burned because of this.  It does this by aiding in the body's breakdown of carbohydrates, which is one of the biggest enemies for women to begin with as to why we are struggling with weight loss to begin with.

While this is modest at best, water's main benefits also include that it helps with skin elasticity (which we all will need help with after we shed all these pounds), flushes out toxins, and it even helps strengthen the immune system!

And ladies, it helps keep your skin glowing too!

Of course the excessive bathroom breaks is an unfortunate side-effect, but with all the benefits that water has, I say it is a fair trade.

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